About Us
Welcome to Messiah Missionary Baptist Church
We are a friendly, family-oriented congregation,
”Moving from Membership to Discipleship”.
John 8:30-31
Excitement is building because of what God has in store for us here at Messiah MBC. Under the leadership of our Pastor, Reverend Otis Washington, we are going, growing, and trusting in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are extremely excited that you have chosen to visit. It is our sincere desire that while visiting with us you feel the power of the Holy Ghost during our praise and worship and as our Pastor brings forth the Word.
Messiah has distinguished itself as a place of worship and a place of refuge in the community. We are a congregation of Parents, Singles, Seniors, Young adults, and Youths who live out our faith daily in our various walks of life. We want to make everyone feel welcome. Visit with us anytime; we would love to meet you and your family. We invite you to come praise and worship with us.
Our doors and our hearts are always open to you. If you have been thinking, praying, searching, and hoping for a place to belong and call home, with our hearts and hands extended we say, “Come” and “Welcome to Messiah MBC”. A Church “Where everybody is Somebody and Christ is the Center Attraction”!

Meet Rev. Otis Washington
Rev. Otis Washington was indoctrinated as the Pastor of Messiah Missionary Baptist Church on May 3, 1997. Under his leadership, many souls have been added to the Church roll. Several ministries have been organized under his pastorate the Messiah Praise team. View Rev. Otis Washington’s full profile.